It is great to be
in love and in love even though we respect each other and have lots of
rights on our beloved, but often many girls find that they have offended
their guy but many a times cannot understand why the man is hurt. There
are quite few things which usually guys with self respect wouldn’t like
to hear.
1. Mommy’s boys:
Most guys are
mommy’s boys but you don’t have to rub it in. After all she is the one
gave him birth, fed him on her Milk and brought him up and made him
everything he is today. She made him the guy you fell in love with, so
how can you think that he would totally ignore her and be your pet. if
you have a tendency to suicide then it is better to jump of the airplane
without parachute rather than telling your boy he is momma’s boy. Why
bring his mother in conversation where it is not required. Most Guys are
touchy about their mothers as you are about your parents. No guy would
like to be told that he is momma’s boy and yet even though every girl
knows it but hardly any girl leave a chance to remind her guy that he is
one. One of the biggest mistakes in a relationship.
2. You getting bald:
Most guys loose
hair with age and these days even in youth the hairlines are receding.
How would you feel if he tells you hey fatso watch your tummy and bums.
They are as big as Canada. Men usually are touchy about their hair line
even if they show they don’t care. They would be waking up sweating in
middle of night just dreaming of them going bald. No guy wants less than
a thick crop of hair on head and it hurts their manhood if you tell him
that your head is as smooth as glass or ur head is shining.Harakari in
3. We need to talk:
Now we need to talk
gets their antenna up and they catch all the trouble signals in the
atmosphere. Even though they know they got nothing to feel guilty about
or anything yet these words usually sound trouble in their ears. As soon
as he hears these words, he is ready to take first flight to Timbuktu
or to a place where you can never find him. To most guys these words
means lots of drama and tears which men are not genetically engineered
to handle. To most guys it means you have read some women magazine and
some fake guru have put something and you are looking for some trouble
in your relationship where none exist. if there is a problem you should
talk, because if you don’t talk how problem would disappear but
threatening him with these words is a big no no…
4. Friends:
Friends are
something which not many women like. They usually get your guy drinking
and usually a bad company. Also there is a big problem, if you don’t
like them and you tell them then it is a big problem and if you like
them a lot, then he is jealous and again a big problem. It is always
better to be talking about them very delicately and with lots of
rehearsal if you want to say something negative about one or more of his
friends. Same way if he criticize your best friends how would u feel or
if he praise her too much how would you feel.
5 You are always like this:
You are always like
this and you will never learn or change. These words are no guy want to
hear and one of the biggest problems in us girls is we would always
generalise and even bring in things 20 years old which has no revelence
to the present conversation. We need to focus on present argument and
not say these things about his character or what he believes in.
6. Anymore:
You don’t love me
anymore is one thing which hurts like an arrow with head dipped in
poison and most of the times it is used to get him agree on to
unreasonable demand. It is one of the biggest words to make him feel to
prove you right.
7. Isn’t she pretty:
This is one
question which guys know they do not have a answer to it. If they say no
then you say you never agree with your observations and if he says yes
then you think this guy has a roving eye.
8. My Ex never did this:
Never bring you ex
in to anything or compare your current guy with your ex. What he did or
didn’t doesn’t make a difference now and he is ex because there is a
good reason for it. So why make your guy feel small in comparison and
hurt his ego and in turn hurt your relationship.
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