Saturday 16 February 2013

55 Impressive Ways to Express Your Love.

 Express Your Love

It’s very important to express your love to keep the person you love in your life. Love is a very essential part in our life. It’s impossible to have a great life without being loved by anyone. People who have great lives think and talk about what they love more than what they don’t love. But people who are struggling think and talk about what they don’t love more than what they do love. They all understand the value of having love in life and the meaning of a life without love. You can express your love in many ways. So lets find out how you can express your love in the most impressive way possible.
Following are 99 impressive ways to express your love. There may be hundreds of others with limitless possibilities. If you truly love someone, you can always discover lots of ways to express your love. Here are just a few of them.

1, Do something special for the person you love. Read How to Love Someone Unconditionally?
2, You can write a short note expressing your love and give it to the person.
3,  You can send flowers and even make a small gift by yourself for the person you love.
4, You can pay a nice compliment. A sincere compliment from your heart is quite impressive.
5, Just tell the person about your love. Sincerely express what you feel about the the relationship.
6, Send a text message expressing how much you love.
7, Sit together holding hands of each other and watch sunset together.
8, Watch a romantic movie together and express your love after watching the movie.
9, Draw a picture together. Make loving comments for each other.
10, You can sing a lovely romantic song together.
11, Make excuses to be with the person. It shows your love.
12, Say that you have seen a nice dream together and talk about it.
13, Stand with the person in problems. Read How to Be with Your Partner in Problems?
14, Call a radio station and dedicate a song for the person you love.
15, Always remember to say Good Night.
16, Hug when you feel your partner is in problems.
17, Talk about things you would be ashamed of saying to someone else.
18, Share everything in your mind and let the person feel that you have nothing more to hide.
19, Learn to make sacrifices for each other.
20, Dance together and sometimes kiss each other.
21, Don’t always go for lips to kiss. Kiss on forehead and say I love you.
22, Lightly kiss the collarbone and the jawbone just below the ear, then whisper I love you
23, Buy a ring and gift it. Don’t buy an expensive ring. Express your love in an inexpensive way.
24, Sit on a bench and sing a song for each other expressing your love.
25, Sleep with each other and just sleep holding hands if possible. Be sure that it’s not about s-e-x.
26, Share your secrets that you have never shared with anyone.
27, Go to a restaurant and eat together.
28, Write a story about how you have fallen in love and share it.
29, If you are going to be late, call and say that you may be late.
30, Never birthdays and never forget to wish on occasions.
31, Light a candle and stare at each other in a dark room.
32, Show your interest in your partner’s interest and ideas.
33, Show your love in some small way every single day of your life if possible.
34, Go for a candle light dinner together. Read What is the Meaning of True Love?
35, Remember the value of laughter. Do something just to make your partner laugh.
36, Leave a single rose on the bed or chocolates under the pillows.
37, Ask your partner what you can do to make the day very special.
38, Send flowers to his or her office without any reason, just to express your love.
39, Send a simple thank you note for his or her presence in your life. Read How to Say Thank You?
40, Be very simple. Use inexpensive ways to express your love.
41, Write a romantic a poem and read it in front of your partner.
42, Sit closely and hold hands of each other and share what you have done for the whole day.
43, Plan to go for a picnic only with your partner.
44, Visit to a seaside for a date and write a love message in the sand.
45, Secretly take photos of your partner doing something silly and make a photo album. Then gift it to your partner.
46, Learn a new language just to say I love you and express your love in the new language.
47, Write a old fashioned love letter and give it to your partner to read.
48, Build a website or blog about your partner just to express your love.
49, Create a short video declaring your love for your partner and upload it to YouTube.
50, Find out the most favorite meal of your partner and make it as a surprise.
51, Make or publish a book expressing your love and value of the relationship in your life.
52, When your partner talks to you, listen to it attentively.
53, Take your partner to his or her favorite place as a surprise.
54, Join your lover in the shower and bath together.
55, Do something silly just to let your partner know about your feelings and make your partner smile on it.
Truly speaking, true love can never be hidden. But the way you express your love really makes a difference. True love can be expressed in many ways. If you truly love your partner, you can always find out ways to express your love. You don’t need any guidance. Just be with you and you will be the winner.

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